
Kavango in dire need of special schools

Home National Kavango in dire need of special schools
Kavango in dire need of special schools

Noreen Sitali 


A majority of education stakeholders in the Kavango East and West have strongly expressed the need for the establishment of special schools in the two regions. 

They made this call during recent Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resources and Community Development’s stakeholder consultations on the motion to establish special schools in the Kavango regions.

In his motion, Republican Party lawmaker Mathias Mbundu said: “If any other region had the same crisis as highlighted in my motion, I would not have he sitated to call for support for the motion. I agree with contributions from all corners of the august House, because it speaks to nation-building that goes beyond our party and ethnic affiliation in the greater good of our society.”

During the respective committee’s consultations with relevant stakeholders, a majority of people expressed the need for special schools as a way of education inclusivity away from the mainstream schools. Some stakeholders stated that the establishments of special schools is way overdue as children with special needs have been left out on the opportunity to be part of the education system, and this has placed them in the disadvantaged group.

A community member from Nkurenkuru stressed that special schools will provide pupils with special needs the attention necessary. 

“There is a need for the establishment of special schools. In fact, it is overdue, but do we have enough resources to meet these needs?” a concerned resident asked. 

A senior official from the Ministry of Basic Education, Arts and Culture in Kavango West agreed that there is need for the establishment of these institutions in the region, but there are some challenges such as the limited budget allocation and identifying specialist to cater to learners with special needs. 

“Pupils with special needs require special attention and specialists. It will be a challenge to identify specialists in all areas to cater to the needs of our pupils with special needs, but if we all commit and join hands, I believe we can,” she stressed. 


*Noreen Sitali works at the National Assembly under the Research, Information, Publications and Editorial Services.