
Keetmans holds first Covid-19 burial

Home National Keetmans holds first Covid-19 burial

Keetmanshoop residents bid farewell on Monday to a member of the community who succumbed to Covid-19. 
The victim, a 52-year-old woman, according to family members had presented symptoms of the virus whilst at home and was subsequently admitted to the Keetmanshoop state hospital last week Wednesday and died the following day.  The victim was laid to rest at the Kronlein cemetery by healthcare workers who were dressed in the mandatory personal protective equipment (PPE) whilst close family and members of the public looked on. 

“It is unfortunate that I was out of town on official duties during your bereavement but be rest assured of my profound empathy with the loss of your beloved family member,’’ said //Kharas regional governor, Aletha Frederick on her return yesterday. She urged inhabitants of the //Kharas region to take personal responsibility not to only protect themselves but others as well.  
“Now in this time of all regions remaining under stage three of the state of emergency regulations as well as the newly imposed curfew restrictions, it has become even more important that we should fully comply to these very crucial interventions in order to defeat this unseen enemy (coronavirus),’’ Frederick said.
– sklukowski@nepc.com.na