
Keetmans residents bemoan poor communication

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Keetmans residents bemoan poor communication

Percy Charlies, a community activist based in Keetmanshoop, said residents in the town have registered their unhappiness after NamWater suspended water supply to their areas for two consecutive days last week without properly informing them.

 “They (NamWater and the municipality) should have at least warned us in advance of the water suspension in order to make alternative arrangements,’’ he told New Era.

Charlies said these two service suppliers instead announced the water supply suspension on social media (Facebook) posts to a community where the less fortunate do not have access to the Internet. “This is not how the flow of communication should be between the municipality and the community. Why can’t they (municipality) not have informed us through notice boards and community meetings instead?’’ he asked. 

The community activist also said the poor flow of communication between the municipality and residents should be addressed as a matter of urgency. 

“We, for instance only learn through the media that new leaders have been sworn in to fill the vacancies left with the recall of the three councillors from the Keetmanshoop municipality last year by the Landless People’s Movement whilst we feel this could have been announced on a more accessible public platform,’’ he said. 

Another resident, Agnes Tise, said the water disruptions affected her financially. 

“I am selling iced lollies as a means to supplement my monthly income, but during the two days of the disruption I lost out on business,’’ she said. 

Tise furthermore echoed Charlies’ sentiment that such notice should be done well in advance so that residents can prepare themselves for it.

“We now understand this suspension of water supply was due to circumstances beyond control, but will appreciate it if informed about it before being implemented in future,’’ she said. The affected residents were without water last week on Wednesday and Thursday. 

According to a notice issued by NamWater’s //Kharas regional manager, Andries Kock, the main cause for the interruptions was that the bulk waterline from which residents receive water from the Naute Dam burst last Wednesday. 

Although repairs were done Wednesday night, the utility had to scour the pipeline and clean some of the reservoirs first before restoring the water supply to the town as mud and debris were still being picked up with the new inflow. 

“We cannot supply unclean water to the municipal system as that will cause more problems,” the statement further reads. Water supply was however fully restored to the southern town by late Friday afternoon. 

– sklukowski@nepc.com.na