
Keetmanshoop community demands doctor’s appointment

Home National Keetmanshoop community demands doctor’s appointment

KEETMANSHOOP – Concerned about the alleged deterioration of the provision of health services, residents in the town yesterday staged a peaceful demonstration, demanding the re-appointment of Refanus Kooper, who previously served them as a medical doctor. 

Reading out the petition, spokesperson Ambrosius Matthias said Kooper has been a dedicated and compassionate healthcare provider for many years, and that patients have consistently praised his skills. 

“We believe that the allegations made against Dr Refanus Rudolf Kooper are without merit and have not been proven,” he said. 

Matthias was adamant that the medical practitioner has always acted in the best interest of his patients, and he has never shown any indications of the behaviour he is accused of. 

“We believe that the decision taken by the regional health director, along with the regional management team, not to appoint Kooper without any concrete evidence is a violation of his rights and does a disservice to both him and the community he serves,” said Matthias. 

The petition further questions the performance and actions of the health director. 

“It has come to our attention that nurses and administrative staff resigned due to unbearable and unfair circumstances caused by the region’s health management,” it is alleged.

It continued that a lack of competency, quality leadership and integrity has affected the delivery of essential health services to //Kharas region citizens.

 When probed by New Era, Kooper explained that he has been appointed by the health ministry as a senior medical officer in 2013 and promoted to chief medical officer with effect from 1 January 2017. 

“Due to unnecessary pressure caused by the unprofessional behaviour of the regional health director, I decided to resign on 31 May 2021 before ending up in a mental institute. He continued that he was after some time again appointed as a Covid-19 doctor by the health ministry, but he was recalled to Keetmanshoop by Owoses.

“She verbally stopped my working contract on 30 June 2021, leaving me unemployed since then,” said the medical practitioner. 

Kooper also said he applied for a vacant senior medical officer position at the Keetmanshoop state hospital, but he was informed only a year later that his application was unsuccessful. 

“I am, however, aware that the Public Service Commission recommended me for the position, as I was the only candidate who applied and got interviewed accordingly,” he said. 

Kooper also informed this publication that allegations of drug addiction, alcohol abuse at work and home, as well as dressing inappropriately in his profession levelled against him as reasons for not being appointed. 

He said these reasons have to date never been proven.

Receiving the petition on behalf of Owoses, chief health programme officer Leandra Bushpy said she will ensure that it reaches the right channels.