
//Kharas an economic hub – NNN

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//Kharas an economic hub – NNN

KEETMANSHOOP – Swapo vice president Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah says the //Kharas region has huge economic potential, pointing to mines and new industries, such as green hydrogen, oil and gas.

Nandi-Ndaitwah made these remarks during a Swapo rally over the weekend in Keetmanshoop. 

“The region is known for its rich minerals, such as diamonds, zinc, copper, marble, silver, tin and lead,” Nandi-Ndaitwah said, before emphasising that Namibians must gain direct employment as machine operators, technicians, electricians, diesel mechanics, artisans and engineers in these industries. 

“While the exploitation of these resources has made //Kharas a high-end profitable tax-generating area, more still needs to be done to broaden the scope for the participation of Namibians in the major industries of this region,’’ she said. 

The politician added: “Government has taken deliberate decisions with regard to value addition, hence the cutting and polishing of diamonds are done locally in the country’’. 

Swapo’s second in command then pointed to //Kharas’ strategic location, saying “This region also has a favourable coastline with its attractive harbours, attracting even foreign oceanic liners for trading and commercial purposes”. 

She went on to say that the region is also known for its grape and date production, added to plenty of marine resources with secured markets in the European Union, Middle East and other parts of the world, she said.  

On the green hydrogen, oil and gas discoveries, she said: “Apart from the emerging oil, gas and green hydrogen industries, government has constructed the Neckertal Dam to also uplift the economy through green schemes”. 

She then said the importance of food security cannot be overemphasised. 

To achieve this, among others, the Neckertal Dam ought to realise its full potential. 

“It is critical that we create an environment for self-sufficiency, self-reliance and self-sustenance in food production for food security – if not, we will be regarded as a begging nation that survives on the umbilical cord of other nations,” she said. 

Nandi-Ndaitwah then called on the youth to lead the injection of the necessary youthful intellect, dynamism, creativity, resilience and courage in reforming the structure of //Kharas region and the country as a whole. 

–  sklukowski@nepc.com.na