
//Kharas education encouraging – governor

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//Kharas education encouraging – governor

KEETMANSHOOP In the face of challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, impacting learner preparation and performance between 2020 and 2022, the //Kharas region recorded some notable achievements. 

The achievements were revealed by the region’s governor, Aletha Frederick, while delivering the State of the Region (Sora) address last week. 

“Investment in the education sector will never be enough to match the boundless benefits and intangible advantages for the entire country. Therefore, the return on investment always outweighs the cost, so let’s not be afraid to make educational investments,” Frederick said. 

She also said at least six schools in the region claimed the overall first position nationally in subjects offered at Grade 11 Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary level, as well as the overall first position nationally in the subjects offered at the 2022 Advance Subsidiary (AS) Level national examinations. 

As the region prepares to be a part of the rapidly developing fourth industrial revolution, she said, her office identified the need to assist and lobby for support in restoring the terminated and scaled-down computer and technical training programmes at two Keetmanshoop centres. 

“The two centres that were identified were the Women for Action Development Centre and the Keetmanshoop Multi- Purpose Youth Resource Centre,” she said. 

The regional political head added that both centres are now fully equipped and operational following the generous sponsorships. 

In addition, she encouraged members of the community to enrol in courses offered by centres to improve their skill sets and standard of living. 

“In light of the recent oil discoveries and the coming green hydrogen project, my office has requested the director general of the National Planning Commission and the minister of Economic Planning to re-consider the request of the directorate of education for funding for the construction of two new primary schools in Lüderitz, “she said. 

The politician also reminded the young people in the region of the opportunities presented by the University of Namibia, Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology, and Namibia University of Science and Technology’s southern campuses. 

She also pointed to opportunities that will be presented by the Keetmanshoop Vocational Training Centre which is currently under construction. 

Upon completion, she said, the centre will “enhance your employability, skills and entrepreneurship”. 

– sklukowski@nepc.com.na