
Kongola residents denounce secessionism

Home National Kongola residents denounce secessionism
Kongola residents denounce secessionism

KATIMA MULILO – Residents of Kongola held a peaceful demonstration recently to denounce talks of seceding the Zambezi region from the rest of Namibia. 

This follows similar demonstrations held in the past weeks in other areas in the region to condemn any plans of secessionism.

In the petition addressed to regional governor Lawrence Sampofu, the residents emphasised that Namibia is a unitary state, and anyone harbouring such talks should be brought to book. 

“We call for all peace-loving citizens to cooperate with the security cluster to report any suspicious activities for the security of our country,” read the petition.

They also accused those harbouring secessionism dreams of being the ones fuelling tribalism in the region. 

“We call upon all traditional authorities to make an express denouncement of tribalism, and for all leaders to cooperate with the government to root out the divisive demon of separatism,” appealed the residents.

Furthermore, they stated that the sacrifices of those who fought in the liberation struggle, including those from Kongola, should be respected, as “we are a free people who determine their destiny. Calls for another freedom should therefore exclude Kongola”.

On 02 August 1999, a group of rebels calling themselves the Caprivi Liberation Army (CLA) took up arms against the government to secede the Zambezi region (formerly Caprivi) from Namibia. They attacked government installations such as police stations, military bases and the NBC radio station, amongst others. 

More than 14 people were killed in the conflict. Dozens were arrested, and more than 2 000 people fled the region to neighbouring Botswana. The rebellion was quashed instantly, and peace and security restored.

Many others are currently languishing in jails for their part in the uprising.


*Aron Mushaukwa is an information officer for the MICT in the Zambezi region.