
 Labour ministry pays tribute to Strauss

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 Labour ministry pays tribute to Strauss

The ministry of labour, industrial relations and employment creation yesterday said it was with great sorrow that it learned about the passing of Daan Strauss, secretary general of the Namibia Employers’ Federation (NEF), a federation registered under the Labour Act. 

“Mr Strauss was known as a reliable colleague in the labour fraternity, and he added significant value to the entire sector through his expertise and contributions. The expertise of Mr Strauss attracted the attention of the minister responsible for labour, Utoni Nujoma, and resulted in his appointment as a member of the Labour Advisory Council (LAC), where he served from 01 March 2020 until his untimely death. 

Due to his able mind, Strauss was furthermore appointed to serve as a chairperson for the Informal Economy Committee from 17 August 2022, where he also served until his death,” read a statement issued by the acting executive director in the ministry, Otniel Podewiltz. 

The Informal Economy Committee, a technical committee of the LAC, was established to prepare recommendations on how the formalisation of the informal economy should be implemented in light of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Recommendation 204. 

According to the statement, Strauss was instrumental in the formulation of the road- map for the committee and the hosting of the stakeholder consultative workshop. 

“The ministry vividly remembers his unwavering involvement in labour matters, especially during the Covid-19 outbreak. Although representing the interests of employers and defending the positions of his constituents passionately at all times, Mr Strauss was always generous and thoughtful in his contributions, and never displayed an attitude and deliberate intention of merely seeking to disadvantage the other parties, i.e. employees. Mr Strauss worked tirelessly by making sure that the voice of his members is heard on every platform he served under this ministry and as a representative of the NEF,” Podewiltz stated.  The ministerial statement added that in recent times, Strauss faced challenges in his life when his medical condition deteriorated.  However, Podewiltz noted this did not deter him, where many in the same situation may have opted to give up. 

Said Podewiltz: “His determination to carry on despite trying personal circumstances demonstrated his commitment to duties and responsibilities. May his soul rest in eternal peace!”.