
First Lady helps northern school

Home Development First Lady helps northern school

EENHANA – Learners of Oushakeneno Primary School celebrated the closing of school last week with smiles on their faces as they look forward to the new academic year in a modern school environment with better security including a school gate.

The school was established in the wake of the government’s settlement programme in Ongenga constituency but however it lacked proper infrastructure.

The conditions of the old school reflected the sad state of the old military base that was used as classrooms and an improvement was obvious.

First Lady Madam Penehupifo Pohamba came to the rescue by donating some building materials for the primary school including a fence and gate as part of the beefing up of security.

Speaking at the official handover ceremony on behalf of the First Lady last week Friday, the Governor of Ohangwena region, Usko Nghaamwa, said the First Lady was trying very hard and meeting government half way in shaping the children as future leaders.

“These children as the future generation deserve the best,” said the First Lady

The school principal, Monika Shiyuka, could not hold back tears as she expressed gratitude for the school fence and materials donated by the First Lady.

“Today I am very happy that our school has received some materials including the fence which is our first priority and text term we will no longer endure the hardships of learning without a fence and fully secured gate,” explained Shiyuka

“Our learners were just roaming around in an open space with no security and no gate,” she said at the gathering.

Paulina Shomongula, a school board chairperson, also could not hide her joy at getting the opportunity to have her children learn in a secured fenced school.

“I can’t wait for the school to open next term so that we can see our children learning in a secured environment and now with a gate, and as parents we shall work hardr to attain excellent grades,” she said.

According to the United Nations, education is a fundamental children’s right and there is need to improve the current state of schools especially in the rural areas so as to shape a brighter future for children.

Of the 154 learners, 111 are orphans and vulnerable.  It is situated some 42km from Oshikango town and offers classes from grades 1 to 7.

By Clemence Tashaya