Landscape exhibition nearing end

Home Time Out Landscape exhibition nearing end

WINDHOEK-Art lovers only have the opportunity until tomorrow to view Kevin de Klerk and Peter Meinzer’s blend exhibition on landscapes titled Duo tone because is an exhibition by two artists.

The exhibition which opened last week has been  evoking the odd intersections of nature and landscape in Namibia while exploring how human beings are connected to animal and how they share the same environment. The exhibition is displaying some of Peter’s photographs by Peter some of which are portraying the living condition of Ovahimba people, their lifestyle and their standard of living. Some of Peter’s works are also showing wildlife photographs in the sea as well as in the desert. For years Peter has been travelling around the country with his Land Rover discovering the best angle and suitable landscapes and wildlife photography around the county.

Keven’s artworks are influenced by the beauty of Namibian landscape. He says that Namibia is one of the countries that have beautiful views when it comes to tourists attractions. He used acrylic, water colour and oil on his paintings. “Often being involved in your day to day routine and work life, your creative side starts playing second fiddle. Fortunately, creativity has a knock of escaping from its hiding place and ultimately reminds you of its existence day,” says Keven. “I see my paintings as expression of love for this beautiful country we live in with touches of realism but always has an abstract colour or element on them,” he concludes.