
Lasting solution mooted for Katutura’s Covid-19 homeless

Lasting solution mooted for Katutura’s Covid-19 homeless

Isai Sipunga

Following recent reports concerning the future of residents housed at the Katutura Sports Complex, the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service has issued a comprehensive response aimed at addressing the community’s concerns.

In particular, the ministry is collaborating with stakeholders to guarantee that, even in the event of eviction, the group will be relocated to an area with basic services.

The Katutura Sports Complex has played a crucial role as a temporary accommodation facility during the Covid-19 lockdown, providing shelter to various groups for diverse reasons. 

“In response to recent developments, the ministry has been actively exploring viable options in collaboration with stakeholders,” stated Aina Shikesho, the ministry’s spokesperson, in response to New Era’s queries.

“Our primary initiative includes working closely with the City of Windhoek to identify a suitable erf within the city limits. This effort aims to relocate individuals currently residing at the Katutura Sports Complex to ensure they are provided with adequate and dignified accommodation,” she said.

“We understand the challenges faced by residents of the Katutura Sports Complex, and are committed to managing this transition in a manner that respects their rights, and ensures minimal disruption to their lives,” Shikesho added.

The ministry encouraged ongoing dialogue and collaboration to ensure that all voices are heard and considered in determining the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

As discussions continue, the ministry remains optimistic about achieving a mutually-beneficial resolution that addresses both the immediate needs of the residents, and the broader objectives of sports development and community support in Windhoek.

For now, the ministry calls for patience and understanding from all parties involved.
