
Late police commissioner Libuto honoured

Home National Late police commissioner Libuto honoured

KONGOLA – Kongola Police Station was last Friday renamed after late commissioner Menias Brian Libuto who passed away in September last year. 

Libuto was the head of the Special Branch in the police force at the time of his death.
According to the Inspector General of the Namibian Police Force, Sebastian Ndeitunga, Libuto successfully negotiated with the community of Kongola to avail land for the construction of the police station, and it was therefore befitting that it was renamed after him.  

“The renaming will not only recognise his contribution to the social and economic growth of the Namibian Police Force, but of the entire Namibian nation at large,” said Ndeitunga.

Libuto was born in the area of Kongola in 1966 and left the country in 1968 with his parents. 
He started his schooling at the Old Farm School in Zambia, and stayed there from 1974 to 1976. He then attended the Nyango Swapo education centre in Zambia from 1976 to 1978. 

He was afterwards sent to Cuba in mid-1978, where he furthered his education until 1986. He joined the Namibian Police Force in May 2000, and was appointed the head of the Special Branch in 2008.

In a statement his family could not hide their appreciation that the police station was renamed after him. “We would like to extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude for the befitting and consoling gesture of bestowing our son… in honour of  the tremendous contribution to the liberation struggle and services he rendered to the Namibian police,” read the statement.

These sentiments were shared by the tribal head of the Mashi Traditional Authority, Joseph Tembwe Mayuni, who stated: “It is a privilege to host a police station named after a celebrated son such as Commissioner Brian Menias Libuto. My community will give the police station worthy support.”