
Take a leaf from Congo’s book

Home Sports Take a leaf from Congo’s book

The recent appointment of former Brave Warriors and Liverpool Football Club midfield genius, one Johannes Congo Hindjou, aka Jakkals, as mayor of his native town, Okahandja, not only needs to be applauded but must be looked at from another interesting perspective.

Known as Jakkals amongst his football peers, the Garden Town’s new sheriff used to bamboozle defenders with telling passes and intelligent play never seen before in our neck of the woods.

And while his less talented teammates in the Brave Warriors setup managed to attract interest from football clubs beyond Namibia’s borders with lucrative contracts, Jakkals – doubtlessly the finest footballer of his generation – was never afforded the chance to play professional football.

Whether it was down to lack of luck, misfortune or other external forces, the brother certainly had the talent required to display his God-given skill at the highest level of international football.

A highly gifted midfielder, adored and admired by thousands of football followers across the country, Congo was the kind of athlete who could convince people to squeeze their bodies through the turnstiles at any given time whenever he trotted onto the football field, wearing that famous number 15 jersey in the red and white attire of Namibia’s senior football team, the Brave Warriors.

Jakkals has set a new benchmark and is living proof that there is indeed life after football. Many athletes, footballers in particular, have developed a tendency of disappearing into obscurity upon the expiry of their playing days.
The brother has set a commendable and crystal-clear example that footballers should plan their future carefully by acquiring tangible or intangible assets that could come in handy when their football careers are over.

Those few that are lucky enough to have acquired tangible or intangible assets, such as formal education, are likely to benefit more, but alas, athletes have an ideal opportunity to maximise and use their presence in football as a springboard, or rather as an intangible asset.

A former footballer, Jackals is the epitome of pure perseverance, vision and good planning, as can be attested by his success story, which can be likened to the proverb “from rags to riches”.
He is a young and successful entrepreneur and has his nose in the fishing industry, construction, courier business and a horde of other business interests.

Having played the beautiful game at the highest level, Congo used the legacy he left behind to garner votes during the municipal elections.

In his carefully crafted acceptance speech, the articulate former midfield general demonstrated the same charm and charisma he used on the football field, saying celebrities should refrain from using their fame to look down on others.
“No one owns the future and for all of us, current and retired footballers, we need to put our minds to something and work hard to achieve our goals, unless we are inclined to be remembered just as entertainers who live in poverty after football”.