
Learner enrolment numbers increase steadily

Home National Learner enrolment numbers increase steadily
Learner enrolment numbers increase steadily

ONGWEDIVA – The 15th school day report for 2023 produced by the Education Management Information System division shows that a total of 864 707 learners have enrolled in schools.

The EMIS division within the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, is the primary national process for timely collection, analysis and reporting of reliable information about schools in Namibia.

The 864 707 total is collected from all 14 regions, from pre-primary to secondary grades. It shows the numbers as //Kharas (25 137), Erongo (53 577), Hardap (28 530), Kavango East (75 774), Kavango West (49 075), Khomas (101 642), Kunene (34 011), Ohangwena (121 119), Omaheke (27 135), Omusati (109 383), Oshana (60 987), Oshikoto (78 788), Otjozondjupa (56 183) and Zambezi (43 366).

In 2022, the number of learners enrolled was at 839 579, showing an increase of 3.0%. Grade One recorded the highest enrolment of 98 253 pupils, while enrolment in higher grades continuously declined as learners progressed to higher grades, indicating a fluctuating 5.8% enrolment in Grade 11 and Grade 12.

The 15th school day report furthermore states that there are 433 787 female learners countrywide, and 430 920 male learners. There are thus 2 867 more girls than the boys.

The deputy director of planning at EMIS, Raimo Dengeinge, stated that the figures indicate that more males drop out of school than females.

“Females tend to repeat grades more often than boys, and that explains why more girls remain in school. Statistically speaking, the figures are in sync with the population realities, where you have more females than males,” he added.

The Ohangwena region is leading when it comes to the number of learners enrolled in schools, followed by Omusati, while //Kharas has the lowest number, followed by Omaheke and Hardap.

Omusati has the highest number of schools (297), Ohangwena (283) and Oshikoto (226). Omaheke (49), //Kharas (58) and Hardap (63) have the lowest number of schools.

“Ohangwena’s population is by far the highest of all. You would also expect the learner population in that region to respond to the population dynamics,” said Dengeinge.

According to the report, schools have enrolled 101 to 300 learners each. Those with one to 100 learners enrolled indicate the existence of very small schools in the country. Schools with an enrolment of over 1 100 learners indicates overcrowding.