Loide Jason
LEAVE is not good for journalists. Seriously I was on a very long maternity break and when I came back to office it felt like I was in a new world on another planet.
I didn’t even know where I put my notebook, my pen or my camera.
Coming back from the long break from work made me feel like a lost sheep. Thanks to the fact that I took a decision to pack my journalistic mind in a suitcase to see no news and hear no news!
I’m now seriously regret my decision.
Readers, let me tell you a journo only enjoys news when they are in the newsroom but when they out for a while they start to behave like those backbenchers that forget what brings them to parliament.
Leave is unnecessary sometimes because when you come back to the newsroom your sources seem to have also forgotten that you existed and they abandon you for not having heard from you for a while.
My dearest readers, I understand that other people don’t see the world like journalists do because in journalism everything has the potential to be a story. While people outside the profession always wait to be fed news and I realised I almost became part of them.
Now that I am back in office I feel like I am a living zombie, as my brain seems to be closed. Can someone please come take me out of this box so that I can see things through my journalism eyes because I feel blind even though I have eyes and I feel deaf though I have functional ears.
Eewa tuu! I don’t know how zombies act but this situation makes me feels like one. I’m even ashamed of walking in front of my editor for fear she may ask me for a story.
I’m just grateful for this thing of concentrating on food and drinks, forgetting that news is important especially when you are at the village.
But I now hate leave and it’s official!