
Let us look to 2019 with much hope

Home National Let us look to 2019 with much hope

Usually at this time of the year, we are normally compelled to take stock of our achievements and challenges in order to plan for the next year.

Although we have faced difficulties, we should look upon them as opportunities to challenge ourselves to new height levels and growth. 2018 has by no means been an easy year but there’s also much to be grateful for. 

There should be gratitude in abundance for the fact that we can rely on family, friends and work colleagues for their kindness and support. As we are on the eve of the festive season, let us look to 2019 with much hope. Soon we’ll be at the beginning of a new year when new resolutions are happily adopted, only to be abandoned soon after. But as long as we remain hopeful, the determination to improve ourselves personally and collectively should never forsake us.

Let us use this occasion to start adopting and enjoying the thrill of giving – giving our time, thoughts and ideas, giving a helping hand to those less fortunate and more deserving than ourselves.

 Let us plan together for the future, instead of criticising and attacking one another. Let us end sowing seeds of discord, because in unity we are much stronger. Let us stand together to acknowledge that your achievements should be my achievements too, if we work towards a common cause. Let us embrace and celebrate our differences, our humanity, and our total being as never before.

Above all, let us do these things in the spirit of unity this Christmas season. And let us carry that forward with us and adopt it, as one of our New Year’s resolutions- to stand together united.

* Walvis Bay mayor, Wilfred Immanuel