
Let’s do more for para-athletes – Mate

Home National Let’s do more for para-athletes – Mate
Let’s do more for  para-athletes – Mate

Zebaldt Ngaruka


Chairperson of Namibia Schools Sports Union (NSSU) in Omaheke region Ivo Mate said there is a great need for creating programmes for para-athletes in the region.

Following a recent regional athletic competition held in Gobabis, the chairperson said para-athletes are not considered for regional sports events and when they are, they are few. 

Only seven para-athletes from Drimiopsis, Otjinene and Gobabis took part in the regional games. 

The U/11, 13, 15 and 19 age group para-athletes competed in shotput, javelin and 100m sprint.

“This is a worrisome situation – not only in athletics but in all other sports codes, as they are excluded. We need to change the status quo, bring them closer and expose their talents,” stated Mate.

The chairperson further said he would work closely with the sports ministry and schools in the region to look for avenues for these athletes to do sports. 

“I will make sure the dreams of every Namibian child in sports are supported irrespective of physical challenge. All stakeholders, including parents and schools, must play their part to make this a reality in our region,” added Mate.

In support of the NSSU chairperson, Omaheke region’s senior sports officer Sakaria Mwaala said it is a daunting task, as most people with disabilities do not want to come out and get assisted.

“They are not willing to cooperate, but we will try our utmost to bring them forward and display their talent,” Mwaala said.

The sports officer added that there is no special school for children with disabilities in the region, which makes it difficult.

“Most parents send their children to Windhoek or Ongwediva. It is high time we de-centralise and include all stakeholders,” he stated. 

He said his office will work hand in hand with Mate to revive the sports activities in the region. 

“We need an awareness campaign throughout the region. We need to acquire equipment and materials for the athletes and even human capital to make it a success,” the senior sports officer emphasised. 

Mate, on his side, added that he will continue working with the directorate of sports in the region to make this a reality.
