
Light of complexion girls have all the luck?

Home Art Life Light of complexion girls have all the luck?

By Clemence Tashaya


EENHANA – Skin bleaching has become one of the most common beauty regimes undertaken by women to have light skins, which they feel boosts their confidence and self esteem.

Some of these products have done more harm than good on people’s skins and health.  Many of them are banned products and contain hazardous chemicals.  Be that as it may, the market for skin lightening creams has grown here in the north.  However, what is not sufficiently made public is the harm that a lot of these products can do in the medium to long term. There are many techniques used to lighten skin, these include skin bleaching, using lightening creams, soap, pills, laser treatments and even surgery.  When one is using any skin bleaching product one faces a risk of ultra-violet rays of any kind, since the natural protection of melanin has been removed.  Most people accept the colour of their skin but some people believe that lighter skin is more advantageous.

Young women Time Out spoke to point out that some women have lost confidence in their beauty because beauty is associated with people with lighter skin.  “In as much as African women, to be specific, think that being light is the definition of beauty, they should consider skin whitening creams are particularly risk, because they can contain hazardous ingredients.   These creams has the potential to cause cancer.  Women more often try to whiten their skin and as a consequence poison their bodies,” says Diana Mendai, a young woman in her late 20s

She furthers says that changing natural beauty is like undermining the Creator, the one who is providing us with all that beauty people need. “Every part of the body is miracle to us, even our eyes to see, ears to hear it’s all from God.  If you read Romans, 1: 26, it says for this cause, God gave them the natural beauty and should maintain the beauty,” she advises

A beauty therapist, Ester Shitekele, points out that skin creams have done more harm to people’s skin than could be accounted for, and thus leaving the skin sensitive to disease and ultra-violet light.

“They do enlighten your skin on one hand, and on the other they are medications in some countries.  They are used to clear not bleach one’s skin.   Deya Code, one of the most commonly used is meant to clear rash for children but people have abused this and used it as skin lightening cream.  I doubt people are aware that it is important to protect your skin from the sun.   Skin lightening creams are illegal yet we have them being sold at each and every corner of the streets in Oshakati, Oshikango and Eenhana,” says Shitekele

Skin lightening creams have a lot of disadvantages, which include break out.  Though the steroids sometimes used in lightening creams may whiten skin, they also cause skin cancer, liver damage and mercury poisoning.

Albertina Nakapandi, who applies skin lightening creams, says that these creams play an important role in enhancing their complexion and making them more attractive to males. “I have been applying movate for over years, and it has worked wonders on my skin.   It only lightens but it has helped improve my confidence.   This is a new era, people should be able to use the best of modern inventions without any criticism from those who choose not to,” says Albertina Nakapandi