
Lightning strike kills five

Home National Lightning strike kills five
Lightning strike kills five

Five families are in mourning after their relatives died instantly after being struck by lightning over the weekend while another person is in critical condition in hospital. 

According to the Namibian police’s weekend crime report, five people from the Ohangwena, Zambezi and Omusati regions have been killed by lightning on Saturday and Sunday, while the sixth person is fighting for her life in the Eenhana State Hospital.

The report indicates that one of the victims, Likius Iita (18), died on Sunday after being struck by lightning near Ongenga in the Ohangwena region.

Timotheus Kanime (73) and Junias Neuman (52) died instantly on Saturday at the Omutwewondjamba village in the Ohangwena region after being struck by lightning. These two died instantly while a 34-year-old person who was with them survived and is in a critical condition.

The police said Selma Petrus (32) died on Saturday at the Okathakanguti village in the Onesi constituency in Omusati after being struck by lightning while she and her father were sowing in the field.

At Ngoma on Saturday, the police reported that Mukelabai George Nawa was struck by lightning at Schuckmannsburg in the Kabbe North constituency.