
Linda’s campaign to help needy pupils continues

Home Youth Corner Linda’s campaign to help needy pupils continues

WINDHOEK-Linda Pendukeni Simasiku recently visited the Five Rand Primary School in Okahandja, under her campaigns to help needy children in school.

Linda, as she is affectionately known, took a bold step of  helping the upkeep of children in schools  for 13 children last year, whereby she have to pay for one kid from each region for the next school calendar year, viewing it as part of her social responsibility.  One of the children visited three weeks ago was Naftal Mwahi (9) who enrolled at the Five Rand Primary School. Linda paid for her upkeep in school for the whole year this year and her visit was to see if Naftal is still doing well in school and surviving well. “I wanted to make a difference so I picked to pay for Naftal since he couldn’t afford,” says Linda.

It was noted that Naftal, who is currently in Grade 2, was leaving alone in a shack with only two tenants next to his shack. His mother passed away when he was young and his father is a farmer who leaves far from him and no one knows where he works.  The Principal of the Five Rand Primary School, Victor Nakapandi, says so far they have tried to help those children who can’t afford to help themselves by initiating a project called Orange Babies, which provide fresh fruits and vegetable plus food such as meat, porridge, beef and soft drin to the children to eat health foods at their school. School board member, Kavii Filla Hiiho says this project (Orange Babies) can feed up to 300 learners enrolling at that school. She adds that they are also looking for fosters parent to take care of Naftal.

However, Linda says since now that the government has taken the responsibilities of paying for the children, she will continue with her project next year and provide school fees, and she now wants to focus on providing stationary such as rulers, rubbers and pens.

By Pinehas Nakaziko