Live like Mandela, Geingob tells the world

Home National Live like Mandela, Geingob tells the world

WINDHOEK – The world, in honouring iconic former South Africa President Nelson Mandela, must see freedom not only as the casting off the chains of oppression, but live in a way that respects and enhances the freedoms of every human being.
These were President Hage Geingob’s words of wisdom when addressing the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit at the United Nations General Assembly Hall in New York on Monday.

On 22 December 2017, UN member states decided to hold a high-level plenary meeting on global peace in honour of the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela.

Geingob, who was among the speakers at the high-level event, said: “The extraordinary personality we are commemorating today, a man we know affectionately as Madiba, is someone who exhibited these unique character traits during his lifetime. So profound was his effect on humanity that the impact of his life will resonate for centuries to come.”
Madiba was a man who focused on things that matter – the freedom and dignity of his fellow human beings, Geingob told the gathering. 

“He chose to forgo his own safety, comfort and dignity – labelled a terrorist and imprisoned for 27 years – for the sake of the freedom of oppressed blacks in apartheid South Africa and the rest of Southern Africa.”

“Madiba was a man of kindness; a kindness which was genuine and which he transferred to the people of South Africa and the world through the concept of the Rainbow Nation. He believed that through kindness, all human beings could hold hands and live in peace, harmony and understanding.”

Mandela was willing to be seen as imperfect, Geingob said, adding: “Madiba had an ability to connect. Who can forget his trip to Orania in 1995 to meet Mrs. Betsie Verwoerd, the then widow of one of the chief architects of the Apartheid system, Hendrik Verwoerd?”

“Finally, Madiba had an innate joyfulness. Despite a life of struggle, he never stopped smiling, he never stopped dancing, he never stopped living. His joyfulness permeated every facet of South African life, giving rise to the famous ‘Madiba Magic’, which was experienced at various sports arenas.”
President Geingob is expected to address the UN General Assembly today at 09h00, US time.