
Local comedy videos free now  on social networks

Home Time Out Local comedy videos free now  on social networks

WINDHOEK– Enjoy comedy in the comfort of your home, work or where ever you might find yourself on Boot News with the standup comedians  duo of Courage and Chiro, also known as the C-Square, now on videos.

According to C-Square, Boot News is free from scripts as “we do not practice, we just pick a topic and talk about it, so it’s original and we always have the best topics. Our topics are inspired by the outcries of the public. When a lot of people talk about something, then we see it as something to comment on and get the youth involved,” says Courage. He adds that Boot News is just like reality TV, based on trending topics, which were inspired by the lack of enough stage time. “Namibia has a small population and if we are to have a show every day, then we would run a loss so we decided to keep the masses entertained and informed on what’s happening in a more free uncensored way,” says Courage.

The Boot News videos come out weekly, on Tuesday evening. “Content wise there is always a story every week that’s why we feel special,” he says. Anyone who has access to social networks, and can understand English, is able to watch Boot News. “With Boot News one need to have an open mind as everyone is entitled to their own opinion,” he says adding that Boot News is the way of giving back to the community for supporting comedy as they do not make any money from this. “One good turn deserves another. We have had companies, watch our videos then call us to do show for them or MC their events”.

“In five years C-Square will have made the NAMAS great, at least twice. We would have changed the entertainment industry, and off-course interviewed the president once or twice. We plan to represent Africa, just like our brothers from another country P-Square,” says Courage.

For videos subscribe to their Youtube channel, like their Facebook page, C-Square Comedy, or follow them on twitter: @CSquareComedy and on Instagram: CSquareComedy.

By Sabina Elago