
Looming hunger predicted

Looming hunger predicted

While hunger continues its grip on Namibia, coupled with devastating droughts, the situation is projected to exacerbate. 

New forecasts indicate that more people will experience food insecurity in the coming months. 

About half of the Namibian population (48%) studied, results show that almost 1.4 million people will suffer from food insecurity from July to September 2024. 

According to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report released this week, during the projection period, the number of people expected to experience food insecurity is likely to increase by an estimated 19% from the current number of 1.2 million to 1.4 million people.

“Kavango West (70% of the population), Kavango East (65% of the population) and Omaheke (65% of the population) remain the top three highest regions with the most population projected to be facing food insecurity,” reads the report. 

The main factors likely to affect food security during the projected period will be the negative impact of the El Nino weather phenomenon on the crop producing areas, limited livestock pasture and water availability. 

President Nangolo Mbumba declared a state of emergency on 22 May 2024 as Namibia continues to grapple with high levels of drought and food insecurity.

Government’s drought relief intervention includes extension of food assistance to vulnerable households, seeds and horticulture provision, a livestock support programme, and water provision.

Figures from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) show the drought relief programme is currently benefitting a total of 341 855 households monthly.

The nation-wide drought relief programme is estimated to cost government N$1.3 billion. 


Government, through Treasury, allocated N$825 million towards the programme, leaving a funding gap of N$482 million for which government has appealed for assistance.  

Meanwhile, the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) has recommended that OPM should continue with the drought relief assistance. 

The IPC also urged the OPM to address delays in supplies of the drought relief in the regions until the next harvest in 2025. 

The OPM has also been asked to consider improving the drought relief food basket provided to the households. 
