Lüderitz school grows in leaps and bounds

Home National Lüderitz school grows in leaps and bounds


ABC community school that opened its doors a year ago with only six learners has grown almost tenfold to 58 learners that attend the day care in Lüderitz.

Sina Janette Duncan, its founder, explained that since last year the day care started accepting and teaching children from ages two years up to five years.

Each day from Monday to Friday the school opens its doors at 07h00 until 17h30.
She added they also considered children from the ages of one as they have already started with one last year who is two years this year.

The children at the day care are fed daily between 09h00 and 01h00 and thus Duncan calls upon the community to donate blankets.
“We need donations of blankets to protect the kids from the cold, as our kids are getting cold since it is winter now,” stated Duncan.
She added they also need food donations as they plan to feed children twice daily.

“The school is fully registered and we are having a head of the school, two teachers and one cleaner. Although the school is operating from the Smyrna Pentecostal Assemblies, the school is on its own; the day care pays the renting fees and the school workers. Therefore, we are not able to feed all these 58 children twice daily without any assistance,” Duncan said.

She further said there are four kids among others whose parents are unable to pay their monthly fees, but they are still teaching them as they did not refuse them.