Magic Stitches by Tully

Home Lifestyle Magic Stitches by Tully
Magic Stitches by Tully

  Wilhelmina Iimene


Monika Kwedhi loves being creative with her hands. She does hand embroidery, and calls her business Magic Stitches by Tully.

Hand embroidery is the art of decorative stitching on fabric with needle and thread. Kwedhi started doing so in 2020 in an attempt to replicate a design she had come across and to her surprise, it turned out great. 

“I just came across a certain embroidery shirt with a heart design. I decided to try it, and it came out pretty well,” she told VIBEZ!

The 23-year-old nursing science graduate embroiders words and pictures/images on shirts, which make a great and unique addition to one’s wardrobe, or on blankets or wall canvases, which add creativeness and “cosiness” to one’s home. 

Her eagerness to create and put out her work in public birthed her business. She draws inspiration from her mates who are doing well for themselves, and from the fact that she is creating something that most people have not quite seen before. 

As cliché as it sounds, Kwedhi encouraged those who want to start a business, learn a new language or whatever it may be, to “just start”. 

“It should not matter whether everyone else is doing it or not, because the market will always have space for anyone. Everyone has a different and unique way, and that is what sets people in the same industry apart from each other.” 

Kwedhi, who juggles school, work and business, said time management is most important, and that one must have a fitting schedule. 

“In the midst of it all, rest when it gets overwhelming because it does get overwhelming. It is not always easy, but it can be done.” 

With a fair amount of experience in the business industry, she notes that it is not a walk in the park. “One has to be really focused and know what they want to achieve out of it”. 

Kwedhi emphasised that it is essential to set business goals, and to do a lot of networking with people in a similar industry in order to broaden the business horizon. 

“Grow a thick skin, and learn how to handle positive and negative criticism. But at the same time, do not accept anyone’s disrespect that may be disguised as such (criticism).”

Get your own embroidered T-shirt or decorative item by calling Kwedhi on 0818343986. Her Instagram handle is: @magicstitchesbytully. 
