
Maize meal smuggling booms in Zambezi

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Maize meal smuggling booms in Zambezi

Residents in Zambezi have opted to buy smuggled maize meal from Zambia entering via non-designated border points because it is cheaper than locally produced maize.  

The situation stems from the current skyrocketing food and fuel prices.

In Zambia, the government buys the majority of maize directly from farmers through the food reserves agency.

Since 2004, Zambia has consistently cultivated more maize – the national staple – than is consumed domestically. 

But despite self-sufficiency in food production, maize prices are volatile, which leads to continuous smuggling of maize meal into neighbouring countries, such as Namibia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Zambezi community policing unit commander Kisco Sitali said illegal cross border of goods and people remain a challenge in Katima Mulilo and the flood plain areas of Kabbe North.

“Smuggling of maize meal from Zambia is eminent. They come and sell the maize meal here. It’s a profitable business when sold on the Namibian side. In Zambia, the maize meal cost about 70 Kwacha (about N$71) and when they come to sell it here, they triple the price. They sell between N$250 to N$350 for a 25kg,” Sitali explained. 

According to him, the police confiscate the smuggled maize once the suspects are caught.

 However, he said some of the suspects flee on foot and abandon the illegal goods.

“The police can even seize 10 bags of maize meal in a day. Some people use cars to drive into Namibia illegally to come and sell,” he noted. 

According to Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) in the June 2022 Namibia Consumer Price Index bulletin (NCPI), food and non-alcoholic beverages that account for 16.5% of the NCPI basket recorded an inflation rate of 7% during the month of June 2022. 

Prices for bread and cereals increased by 7% during June 2022 compared to 5.6% recorded in June 2021.  The issue of illegal cross-border movement of goods and people continues to be problematic for the law enforcement officials in the Zambezi region.

Sitali confirmed this to New Era yesterday.

The officer also confirmed the smuggling of cooking oil and fuel from Namibia into Zambia. “We use to arrest people with petrol illegally crossing the border. It’s a booming business in Zambia. In Zambia, you can buy fuel in a container to fuel your car on the street. We are trying to root these illegal activities,” he noted.

Equally, he added the smuggling of fuel was reduced since the fuel price went up from N$14 to around N$20 per litre.

The Zambian government has on many occasions condemned the smuggling of maize meal and said it should be aggressively addressed in order to ensure food security in the country. That government has expressed neighbouring countries can be allowed to buy from Zambia but only through proper channels so that Zambians are not disadvantaged. Sitali also mentioned the smuggling of the devil’s claw for medicinal purposes is on the increase into Namibia from Zambia. Other prohibited contraband goods confiscated by the police include cigarettes and whisky that are sold on the black market. 
