Majiedt and co to plead today

Home Special Focus Majiedt and co to plead today

WINDHOEK – Esmerelda Majiedt and her five co-accused are expected to plead to 630 fraud charges in the Windhoek High Court before Judge Christi Liebenberg today, in connection with the alleged embezzlement of over N$75 million.

Majiedt – along with Daniel Baptista De Jesus, Calvin Bezuidenhout, Gerald Bezuidenhout, James Wilson and Louise Izaaks – will face charges ranging from fraud and contravening the Anti- Corruption Act, as well as the Prevention of Organised Crime Act.

De Jesus is a Rundu-based businessman, while brothers Calvin and Gerald are Izaaks’ former partners. Izaaks is Majiedt’s sister.

Majiedt, 48, who is currently out on bail of N$250 000, was arrested in Windhoek by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on April 4, 2011.

Her co-accused were arrested a week after she was arrested. It is alleged Majiedt defrauded AfriSam of N$75 million over a four-year period.

She was employed as an accountant and allegedly manipulated the accounting system at the cement company.

Majiedt’s alleged fraud was detected after ACC launched an investigation after she resigned from the company.

De Jesus is out on a hefty bail of N$1 million  while the other four accused were also granted bail of N$100 000 each.

During Majiedt’s bail hearing, De Jesus’s company, Discount Hardware, was implicated in allegedly illegally receiving cement worth N$42 million from AfriSam, while Calvin’s company, Cool Properties, allegedly benefited from cement deliveries worth N$16 million.

Both companies allegedly did not have proof of payment for the cement supplied by AfriSam.

It is widely expected that Majiedt who is represented by Bradley Basson and her co-accused will plead not guilty to all charges.

De Jesus is represented by Richard Metcalfe, the Bezuidenhout brothers by Mel Harmse and James Diedericks appears for Izaaks and Wilson.