
Man kills lover then self

Home Crime and Courts Man kills lover then self

By Eveline de Klerk

WALVIS BAY –  Repeated calls for men to stop killing their wives or lovers continue to fall on deaf ears. A 28-year-old woman from Walvis Bay became the latest victim of such killing.

The  victim, Alma Natangwe Shikomba, was stabbed to death on Saturday allegedly by her 32- year-old boyfriend, identified as Josef Amutenya.

According to the Walvis Bay police, the two had been dating for about two months.

Amutenya who fled after killing Shikomba was found dead a few hours later at the cemetery in Kuisebmond. He hanged himself with an electrical wire from a tree in the cemetery.

Detective Inspector John Mwatongwe yesterday afternoon confirmed the incident to New Era and said details around the killing and suicide remained sketchy and that they were still investigating the case.

He said no suicide note was left by Amutenya.

Indications are that the Shikomba was stabbed between 19h00 and 20h00 on Saturday evening and her body was discovered by a friend about an hour later.

Mwatongwe told New Era the couple did not stay together, but it is believed they met at her home that fateful evening.

“We don’t know what transpired. Even the people staying in the house did not hear anything or say whether the two had an argument. Everyone is shocked by what happened,” said Mwatongwe.

Mwatongwe could also not say how many stab wounds Shikomba suffered apart from the fatal stab wound in her chest.

In other news, a 21-year-old man of Henties Bay, Petrus Nangolo, allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself with an electric wire in his shack on Saturday. He also did not leave a suicide note.
In Walvis Bay,  the 33-year-old Paul Muzorongondo was found dead at the Ekutulyatika open market in Kuisebmond between 20h00 and 22h00 on Saturday.
According to Mwatongwe, Muzorongondo, who was homeless at the time of his death, was pushed by a 40-year-old woman and hit his head against a hard object, which caused a serious wound.
“We suspect he died from the wound on the head, but the post-mortem will tell the actual cause of his death,” Mwatongwe told New Era yesterday.

He said no one was charged yet and police investigations continue.