Manombe-Ncube speaks out against albino abuses

Home National Manombe-Ncube speaks out against albino abuses

Staff Reporter

WINDHOEK – The Deputy Minister for Disability Affairs in the Office of the Vice-President, Alexia Manombe-Ncube has termed as foolish and ignorance society’s wrong believes concerning people with albinism. Manombe-Ncube spoke at an open day on albinism awareness over the weekend.

She said the condition is genetically inherited and occurs in both males and females regardless of race.
Contrary to some beliefs, albinism is not a curse meted out to the mother or family of a child with the condition nor is it because the mother is unclean or a witch. She also highlighted that some people believe that albinos were born because theirs mothers were unfaithful, had an affair with a Caucasian man-in the case of black women.
“Had we paid attention in our biology class and applied our minds, we would not be riddled with such foolishness and ignorance,” said the deputy minister.

An irate Manombe-Ncube said there is a need to educate, inform and direct society in terms of their beliefs concerning people with albinism.

“This foolishness and ignorance has led to the discrimination against people with albinism and their families and especially their mothers.”

Furthermore, she noted that the myths concerning albinos are also fuelled by “unscrupulous witchdoctors”, traditional healers and sangomas, who perpetuate the myth that people with albinism have special powers thus putting their lives in danger.

“The most dangerous myths are the ones about money making and good luck charms, that makes people believe that body parts of people with albinism such as the skin, hair, genitals and limbs can make people rich and that intercourse with a female with albinism can cure infertility, sexually transmitted infections and in particular HIV/AIDS,” Manombe-Ncube stressed.

These myths have led to the killing, rape and forced prostitution of women and girls with albinism.
She warned “unscrupulous” witchdoctors, traditional healers, sangomas and those who hold on to such negative perceptions that “their foolishness” and practices discriminates against people with albinism.
Such believes and violations against these people also dehumanises them and aggravates an already oppressed and disenfranchised situation, said the deputy minister.

“It is a situation that cannot and will not be tolerated in an independent Namibia.”