
Mary Shiimi’s fitness journey

Home Positive Vibes Mary Shiimi’s fitness journey
Mary Shiimi’s fitness journey

Mary Shiimi, a courageous individual, recently opened up about her struggles with low confidence and health issues, including difficulty sleeping and insomnia. 

After feeling constantly tired and in need of daytime naps, Mary recognised that she needed to make a change in her life, and one of the areas she decided to work on was her fitness.

One incident served as a wake-up call for Shiimi. Someone asked her if she was expecting, an indication that her weight gain was becoming noticeable to others, which further highlighted the severity of the situation. 

The realisation that her clothes no longer fit added stress to her daily routine and preparation for work.

However, what concerned her the most were the potential health risks, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which ran in her family.

Struggling with bouts of stress and dissatisfaction with her appearance, she realised she was the only one who could change her situation. 

Determined to improve her health and well-being, she took the proactive step of reaching out to different gyms to find one that would meet her needs.

After carefully considering factors like flexibility and the level of assistance offered, she settled on FitCity as her gym of choice. 

This marked the beginning of her journey towards a healthier lifestyle and improved self-confidence.

“The gym was a place that has always been intimidating to me. It can be intimidating to some people, so having someone to go to when you get in there helps a lot to make you feel at home. The trainer helped me a lot with motivation, accountability and consistency,” she said. 

The trainer pushed her to exercise efficiently; at times she could not believe in herself but the trainer pushed her until she reached her goal. 

In addition, the trainer assisted her in exercising in a way that would work for what she desired to achieve. 

She added that when it comes to fitness, everyone is different – that everyone has unique body mechanics, experience, goals, fitness level, likes and dislikes that guide the trainer in creating a plan that is specific to one’s needs. 

Shiimi told 
VIBEZ that she developed so much energy and her mind is clearer; she is more confident, and she loves this new version of herself. 

Shiimi makes healthier food choices, and she is consistently aware of what she puts in her body. She does not follow a specific diet, but every time she eats, she chooses healthier options.

“I am more confident now – even with my dressing; I still have areas I have to work on, but I realise that I am always a work in progress to the targets I have set for myself. I don’t put myself under pressure; it’s always me against me. I embrace myself now. I am happy with where I am at all times. I celebrate myself every day. I wake up and I thank God for this healthy body. It’s perfect now,” she said. 

Kunelongo Goliata, a fitness trainer at FitCity, said she genuinely enjoys working out and would like to share her enthusiasm and knowledge with others to help them achieve their fitness goals the same way someone helped her.

She noted that she has a strong desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives in whatever way possible; she identified this as the area she understood – and from there onwards, she started helping others get their desired bodies and become fit.

“I enjoy teaching and coaching, and I find fulfilment in guiding and educating individuals about exercise techniques, proper form and nutrition. I thrive on seeing my clients’ progress – seeing them achieve their goals and winning. Personal training offers flexible working hours and the ability to pursue my interests and other hobbies while maintaining a fulfilling career as well as a trainer,” she said. 

When working with individuals on a fitness journey, she always begins by conducting a thorough assessment of the client’s fitness level, medical history, any pre-existing injuries and their fitness goals. This information helps her design a personalised and appropriate fitness programme.

Beginners need to learn the fundamentals of exercise, including proper form and technique. 

Therefore, Goliata makes sure to spend time teaching them how to perform exercises correctly to minimise the risk of injury and maximise effectiveness. 

Moreover, safety is always a priority.

 She teaches proper warm-up and cool-down techniques and educates the clients about injury prevention strategies.

Her awakening moment came when she five years ago went for a marathon run, but she struggled so much to keep up.

At that moment, she realised she was unfit, which motivated her to make a change and embark on a personal fitness journey.

She began her journey by seeking the guidance of a personal trainer and a nutritionist because she had no idea what she needed to do, but all she knew was she needed to change, so they worked together to create a personalised workout plan and a balanced diet that suited her needs and preferences.

 They started with simple exercises like walking, light strength training and yoga to ease into it.

As she developed more confidence in her abilities, Goliata started noticing the progress. 

She gradually increased the intensity of her workouts and began participating in group fitness classes, which helped her to stay motivated and connected with like-minded individuals.