
Masambo electrified

Masambo electrified

KATIMA MULILO – Masambo Primary School in the Kongola constituency, about 150 kilometres west of Zambezi regional capital Katima Mulilo in the Bwabwata National Park, has become the latest school to receive electricity. 

So far, at least up to 10 schools are yet to be electrified in the region.

The Ministry of Mines and Energy has allocated N$17.8 million to Zambezi region for rural electrification for this financial year, of which N$14.1 million is budgeted for schools and N$3.7 million for households.

In his remarks at the inauguration of the 33kv medium voltage overhead Kongola-Masambo powerline last week, mines and energy minister Tom Alweendo pointed out that government aims to ensure that all public institutions have power by 2026.

“The 10 unelectrified schools in the Zambezi region, all have been surveyed, and preparations for their electrification are underway,” said Alweendo.

The power supply project at Masambo included the construction of the powerline, connecting the school and teachers’ houses, connecting the conservancy office, as well as the borehole.

“The budget initially allocated for this project was N$3.62 million but was increased to N$10 million due to the distance from the nearest powerline. This reflects the ministry’s commitment to ensuring that even the most remote and challenging areas receive electricity,” said Alweendo.

The minister also stated that “the region will also benefit from grant funding from the German Government via KFW Bank for peri-urban electrification in Choto Ext 7 & 8, Katima Mulilo in the amount of N$22 million.”

*Aron Mushaukwa is an information officer at MICT in Zambezi.