
Maths Congress a Huge Success

Home Archived Maths Congress a Huge Success

By Staff Reporter


More than 240 mathematics educators recently attended the 3rd National Mathematics Congress in Swakopmund at the beginning of the school holidays.

The participants included classroom teachers from lower primary to senior secondary level, as well as representatives from Unam, the Polytechnic of Namibia, teacher training colleges and government and private institutions.

The main aim of the congress was to create a platform where mathematics educators can meet, share information, discuss common concerns and learn about teaching and learning mathematics from others.

The importance of a numerate population for reaching Vision 2030 was highlighted in the opening address by the governor of the Erongo Region, Samuel Nuuyoma and stressed by the Usi Hoebeb, representative of Skorpion Zinc, the main sponsor of the congress.

This year the congress was honoured with the presence of Professor Mike Askew from the King’s College, London in the UK.

Professor Askew is an expert on developing numeracy at primary school level and his presentations and workshops focused on simple, yet powerful, ways of teaching number concepts, strategies and procedures.

Dr Danie Brink facilitated workshops at the secondary level, while Eva Biebuyck involved teachers in using manipulatives and practical work to develop mathematical concepts.

One of the highlights of the congress was the launching of the Mathematics Taskforce, which has been tasked with investigating the problems around mathematics education in this country and come up with recommendations for improvement.

The congress was made possible through the joint input of the Ministry of Education and many sponsors from the private sector.