Matongo Family fundraise tonight for Tura hall

Home National Matongo Family fundraise tonight for Tura hall

 Onesmus Embula

Renowned music group, Matongo Family, is aiming at raising  N$400 000 tonight in the Katutura Community Hall to  renovate a hall building that has been standing for the past 54 years. 

Strauss Lunyangwe, group member, says the building has played a significant role within the Katutura community, and among others, used to host political meetings, examinations space for school children, wedding functions and served as a recreational facility for the youth. “We take it upon ourselves to start being responsible citizens and make a change for our people. We can only do this with the help of people because it’s time we show people how residents from Katutura can come together and portray a good image, because the connotation is always bad when it comes to us,” says Lunyangwe. 

He adds the Katutura narrative should change into a success story to can make history together. “Even if people are not able to come they can pledge their tickets. Corporate company can also buy tickets for their staff members to show support. We further request stakeholders to come on board because this is the very community that supports most of their businesses,” adds Lunyangwe.

The Matongo Family brand stood solely from the support of their fans, which Lunyangwe states is remarkable, thus he commends patriotic Namibians who support local products and projects. “Basically we came up with the idea of giving back to the much said community that has supported Matongo Family for the past 20 years,” he notes. 

The Matongo Family musical  journey has been quite exciting. “We took a long break to concentrate on our solo and personal careers,” Lunyangwe testifies encouraging fellow Namibians to take all opportunities life throws at them and utilise experience learnt from mistakes. “What motivates me is to try and make a change whether big or small. That is why we even came up with the #savekatuturahall initiative,” he empasises. He is optimistic people will come on board, unite and stand together for a god cause. “We are dedicated to meet the City of Windhoek halfway with service provision. At the same time, we look forward have a well-attended show with no crime and just positive atmosphere,” says Lunyangwe. 

The show kicks off at 18:00 with heavy security presence provided by the  City Police, Namibian Police, Security Services, Emergency Services and Car Guards. Tickets are available from CompuTickets outlets s for N$100, golden circle, and N$200 VIP access.