
Mavutu Conversations – Give your coochie space to breathe

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Mavutu Conversations – Give your coochie space to breathe

Ladies, quickly gather here. Maybe it’s just me but I am always fighting my wax lady when she says that I can’t engage in sexual activities the day of getting my coochie waxed. But, over time, she has assured me that it will be for my own benefit. So, if you have been in the same predicament, here is why you should listen to your wax lady. 

After a waxing or shaving appointment, the skin in the treated area can be more sensitive and prone to irritation. Here are some reasons why it’s generally recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for a short period after such procedures:

Skin Sensitivity: Waxing and shaving remove hair from the follicles, which can leave the skin more sensitive and vulnerable to friction. Sexual activity involving rubbing or friction can lead to irritation, redness, and discomfort, especially in freshly treated areas. In most cases, this will also lead to yeast infections. 

When you get waxed or shave yourself, you are opening up your hair follicles and vaginal pores. This in return creates susceptibility to bacteria and potential infections. Engaging in sexual activity can introduce additional bacteria to the area, increasing the risk of infections.

Apart from getting infections, the one thing women hate is definitely developing ingrown hairs. Sexual activity involving friction can further irritate the area and increase the likelihood of ingrown hairs, which can be painful and unsightly. We all know how irritating ingrown hairs are. 

If you have an allergy to lubricant and or latex, then waiting two or more days to have sex is ideal for you. This is because it could lead to allergic reactions or skin irritation when combined with the skin’s post-waxing or post-shaving sensitivity. If this isn’t worse, sexual activity can increase blood flow to the genital area. While increased blood flow can be beneficial for wound healing, it can also lead to more inflammation and discomfort in freshly waxed or shaved areas.

After hair removal, the skin might be more susceptible to irritation or micro-tears. Engaging in sexual activity could lead to increased moisture and friction, potentially exacerbating these issues and causing discomfort. As such, the skin needs a bit of time to recover after hair removal procedures. It’s generally recommended to give the skin at least a day or two to heal and settle before engaging in activities that might cause further irritation.

To minimize discomfort and potential complications, it’s advisable to wait until the skin has had a chance to recover before engaging in sexual activity. If you do choose to engage in sexual activity shortly after hair removal, consider taking extra precautions, such as using a gentle lubricant and avoiding excessive friction. Always listen to your body and prioritize your comfort and well-being. If you experience prolonged or severe irritation, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional.

Ladies, give your coochie space to breathe and recover from that mini pain. It will thank you later. 

* Frieda Mukufa’s lifestyle section in the New Era newspaper concentrates on women-related issues and parenting. She also specialises in editing research proposals, proofreading as well as content- creation.

– etuholefrieda@gmail.com