
Men encouraged to embrace positive masculinity

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Men encouraged to embrace positive masculinity

ONDANGWA – In the wake of observing the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence (GBV) in the country, serving correctional services facility inmate Lazarus Gabriel said positive masculinity is about embracing strengths, values and emotions as a man, without resorting to violence, aggression and domination over others.

“Positive masculinity is about respecting yourself and others, regardless of their gender, sexuality or identity. It is about being a leader, a partner and a friend who can communicate, empathize and support those around you,” said Gabriel at the 3rd National Men’s Conference at Ondangwa last week.

The one-day conference tackled issues related to men’s mental health, gender-related laws and also provided recommendations of how men can be assisted.

The conference was celebrated under the theme ‘Zero male suicides: promoting positive masculinity.’ Gabriel, who is serving a 27-year term at the Oluno correctional facility for the murder of his girlfriend, said GBV affects millions of people around the world, especially women and girls.

In addition to the commonly known physical abuse, Gabriel said GBV takes many other forms such as sexual, emotional and economic abuse which can happen in any setting but disappointingly so, GBV has devastating consequences to the victims, their families and communities.

Gabriel emphasised that men have a responsibility to prevent and end GBV and have the power to challenge harmful stereotypes and norms that fuel this violence.

He added that men have the opportunity to educate themselves and others about consent, boundaries and healthy relationships and have a duty to intervene and speak up when they witness or suspect any form of violence or harassment.

“By practising positive masculinity, we can be role models for the next generation of men and boys.  We can be allies for women and girls who face discrimination and oppression and we can be part of solution and not the problem,” Gabriel added. 


*Nuusita Ashipala is an information officer at MICT Oshana.