
Mental health conversations – Transitioning from high school to university

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Mental health conversations – Transitioning from high school to university

Entering university is an exciting phase for those who embark on the journey. There’s a sense of independence and freedom that most learners yearn for when they leave high school. 

The freedom and independence vary from student to student, and can present itself in various ways. For example, some students are going to live on their own for the first time away from their parents, whether they rent a room or live in hostels. 

For others, driving themselves to campus could be liberating. Perhaps the most exciting part of university life that most students are looking forward to is the absence of teachers and parents; the notion of fewer rules and regulations that are restricting and require accountability.  

 As with all humans, evolvement is an intrinsic part of our existence. It’s through this process that we discover ourselves, whether that be unbecoming to become, modifying our values, or making decisions that will impact the course of our lives. 

It’s liberating to be in a space where we can operate on our own, with little involvement from others. 

However, what students need to be mindful of is the responsibility that comes with being a university student; the process of becoming an adult. 

 At university, you are considered an adult, therefore, treated as such. Depending on the institution you attend, a class register is not set in stone, and lectures will continue as usual with or without your presence in class. 

Lecturers and class representatives aren’t responsible for checking up on you, or investigating why you don’t attend classes. Tests, assignments and presentations which make up your CA mark are the normal order of the day. So, the onus is on you to ensure that you are clued up on dates, and participate when these activities take place. 

Much of the learning comes from you; lecturers do their part as required by the institutions by providing you with a course outline, teaching relevant content, uploading reading materials etcetera on online platforms, but additional reading and research regarding activities depend on you. In a nutshell, you set the pace for your future, whether you’re going to complete your degree or not.  

 Now, to ameliorate the anxiety that comes from academic responsibilities, universities are great spaces to grow and connect. It’s a community of its own that provides students with various opportunities such as being part of societies, exposure to public lectures and community engagements, social activities like cultural days, as well as sports activities. 

To live a balanced student life, create a world for you in which you can operate in all facets of your life.

 Make friends, but choose your friends wisely, and make time for social activities, but also for academia. Try and have a decent meal, get enough sleep, exercise, and read for leisure if time permits. 

 Time is the most valuable tool you have. Manage your time well, but also exercise self-discipline as it is through discipline that you can achieve your goals. All the best with your journey. 


*Justine /Oaes (Licenced Clinical Psychologist)  oaesjustine@gmail.com