Mentorship for young girls is on track

Home Youth Corner Mentorship for young girls is on track

Pinehas Nakaziko

The VisionCore mentorship programme for young girls under the theme ‘Raising Leading Ladies’ is right on track.
Eight mentee’s who attended the first meeting in the capital recently were happy and excited to have kick-started their first programme. They were guided through different activities and transformational materials.

This year the programme focuses self-knowledge, vision and mission, goal-setting, the importance of education, the environment and its impact on the self and education, love, respect, commitment and communication. Year two of the programme will focus on education as an integral part of social development. 

Areas which are covered in year two are tools for self-acceptance, feeding your brain the right food, education above everything else, readers are leaders, role models, critical thinking, peer pressure and bullying. The programme will end with year three focusing on education. 

The founder of the programme, Aletta Eises-Thanises, says the three-year programme is packed with mentoring activities such as tertiary studies, skills development, career planning, leadership development and team work. She adds that the programme prepares girls for success in life. 

“We at VisionCore believe in the power of girls to effect and impact change. We cannot want to celebrate the girl child without providing examples and without investing in their future. We believe that positive role modeling is important,” says Eises-Thanises.

She adds that they cannot just tell girls that they can change their future without equipping them to take on the task of self-development. 

“As we encourage girls we have to provide the direction, skills and guidance to help them make their dreams a reality.  VisionCore believes that we cannot talk of progress if we are not grooming the disadvantaged girls.”