
Message of condolence on the passing of Dr Kofi Annan

Home Front Page News Message of condolence on the passing of Dr Kofi Annan

On behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Namibia, I as the Speaker of the National Assembly wish to express our profound, heart-felt sympathy and condolences to the family of the late Dr Kofi Annan as well to the government and the people of Ghana.

Let me take this opportunity to reflect on Dr Kofi Annan’s personality. We saw him as a skilled diplomat and statesman who served this world with commitment and selflessness. Even amidst the most difficult challenges that confronted the United Nations, he demonstrated unruffled tenacity in the manner in which he tried to resolve these challenges. 
He always expressed the need to work towards the common good for humanity. This is the legacy that Dr Annan has left behind for us to emulate.

He served the United Nations with distinction and with a human touch. He showed people in conflict situations around the world that he truly cared about them. He was a true mediator who believed in the power of persuasion to resolve conflicts without force.

I had the opportunity of observing the way Dr Annan dealt with his multifaceted roles, when I served on the Council of the United Nations University (UNU), based in Tokyo. He oversaw the work of the UNU in executing its mandate to conduct research on issues related to the UN Peacekeeping Missions as well as its other agencies. He was an inspiring leader, who brought the best out of those who served the United Nations in various capacities, including UNU.
As Martti Ahtisaari, the Former President of Finland, has said, Dr Annan… “Had an inner dignity and calm which few people possessed.”

In his retirement, Dr Annan continued to contribute to global affairs in many ways. His demise is a loss to the entire world and Africa in particular.

Kindly convey our heartfelt message of sympathy and condolence to his widow, Mrs. Nane Lagergren Annan, their children and members of the immediate Kofi Annan family.
May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace!

Yours sincerely,

Hon. Prof. Peter H. Katjavivi, MP,
Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Namibia