
Micro projects benefit from financing

Home National Micro projects benefit from financing

Malakia Nashongo

ONDANGWA – Two micro projects within Ondangwa Rural Constituency have benefited from the micro project financing run by the office of the councillor at Eheke settlement.

Each project was given materials depending on the nature and scope of business it operates in.
Tailor Trading Enterprise from Eheke received four tailoring machines worth N$165,000 while Martin Lukas from Oshikashika village received a mahangu threshing machine worth N$18,000.

Speaking at the handing over, the constituency councillor of Ondangwa Rural Abraham Kaushiweni encouraged the beneficiaries to make use of the equipment to produce for optimum growth of the business or project. “You should employ others to help you carry out the work as the demand arises and should take good care of the equipment,” said Kaushiweni.
He urged them to make use of the tailoring machine to produce school uniforms for the local schools.
The beneficiaries show their gratitude toward the councillor and urge him to continue with the good work of developing and empowering his constituency and his people. 

“I am going to make use of the machine to help the farmer within Oshikashika and neighbouring villages in threshing their mahangu at a minimal price, to help with the maintenance of the machine,” said Martin Lukas.

The support comes from the Micro Project Fund and Small Farmers Fund under the office of the constituency councillor meant for supporting small scale projects and farmers within the constituency for them to develop. The support runs every financial year and have supported other businesses or projects in the constituency since its establishment.
* Malakia Nashongo works for the Ministry of Information & Communication Technology at Oshana Regional Office in Oshakati.