
MICT Rundu invites musicians to live performance sessions to be aired on social media

Home Lifestyle MICT Rundu invites musicians to live performance sessions to be aired on social media

RUNDU – Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) in Rundu have realised that local artists in the region have been hit hard due to social distancing regulations whereby there are no shows, concerts or public performance to promote themselves and have thus come up with an idea to promote them via social media live streaming sessions.

Social media is an effective tool in marketing and promotions used globally, it is aggressively trending and can be connected even with a simple or cheap smartphone.  

“We want to create a platform for local artists to engage and continue gaining exposure to the public by introducing live performance sessions in the studio. The recordings will be filmed and uploaded onto our social media pages to help keep them relevant and assist them with free promotion at no cost,” said Tweuya Nelumbu the sound engineering technician at the MICT studios in Rundu.

“This is open to all artists in the two Kavango Regions,” he added.

Video recordings will be recorded at the ministries state-of-the-art recording studio and aired live on the MICT Kavango East Facebook and other social media platforms.

According to Nelumbu, all that musicians or artists need to do to be part of this initiative is to visit the MICT offices in Rundu for simple applications. “They basically just have to visit the office and fill in the participant form. Thereafter we’ll notify them on the date allocated for them to come in for the session,” Nelumbu said.

“We plan to start with the live sessions officially this week ,” he concluded.