Minor girl drowns in canal

Home National Minor girl drowns in canal
Minor girl drowns in canal

OSHAKATI – A seven-year-old girl allegedly drowned in the canal at Oshitutuma village in the Omusati region.

Namibian Police crime investigations coordinator for the region, Moses Simaho said the incident occurred on Tuesday.

The deceased’s body was retrieved from the water on Wednesday afternoon. She was identified as Magdalena Ashipala.

Simaho said, her guardian allegedly left home around 07h00 to sell products at a nearby social grant pay point, leaving the child with an elderly relative, who is visually impaired.

“When the guardian returned home at around 23h00, the child was nowhere to be found. She searched the homestead, and enquired at neighbouring houses, to no avail,” he said.

The police joined the search on Wednesday, shifting the focus to the nearby NamWater canal, where the lifeless body was found and retrieved by police divers at around 14h30. -Nampa