
MLH school gets new lease on life

Home Special Focus MLH school gets new lease on life

By Magreth Nunuhe

WINDHOEK – A German-based donor organisation called ‘Ein Herz für Kinder’ (A heart for children) has breathed new life into the Martin Luther High School (MLH) after it pumped 114 000 Euro (about N$1.51 million) into the revamping and expansion of the school’s dilapidated buildings, which were on the verge of collapse.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia (ELCRN) also contributed N$380 000, while former students collected N$15 000, towards the renovation of the Omaruru-based legendary school. This brought the total amount donated to slightly over N$1.9 million.

Bishop of the ELCRN, Reverend Ernst //Gamxamub, made this joyous announcement on Friday saying renovations of the church school would start as soon as March 1.

Renovation work would concentrate on restoring the hostels, classrooms, expanding the dining hall and school hall, adding toilets to the school’s infrastructure, a laboratory and repairing the sewerage system and boreholes.

Much of the hostel renovations would take place during school holidays so that it would not affect learners.
“We have listed the type of furniture and we will also refurbish the kitchen,” said //Gamxamub at a press conference, while also appealing to former students and parents to contribute towards building a recreation hall, as the present halls have been turned into bedrooms to accommodate the swelling number of learner population that has ballooned to about 270.

MLH has been a symbol of liberation and beacon of hope from the evil systems that impacted very negatively on the lives of black Namibians. However, the school infrastructure has been deteriorating in the last decade and appeals for assistance have constantly been appearing in local media.

“Dear Namibian nation, dear parents. The ELCRN church leadership takes this opportunity to inform you that the Lord has listened to our cry and He answered with goodness,” //Gamxamub said.

Ein Herz für Kinder opened its heart to MLH after hearing of its plight from Dr Dieter Porchardt, a German citizen and philanthropist, who has worked in many places all over the world to bring hope to the downtrodden.

A visibly moved Porchardt said that his motivation has always been to help people and make the world a better place. “I have never forgotten how it is to be poor. We must show what it means to make the world a better place,” he added.

He said that while working in Okombahe, he heard from German volunteer teachers about the conditions at MLH, upon which he contacted several donors until he landed at the door step of ‘Ein Herz für Kinder’.