Model glad to entreat global stage

Home National Model glad to entreat global stage

 Onesmus Embula

The 22-year-old ambitious and dedicated model, Joanne Stephanie Leonie /Nanus, says her first international pageant in China will remain a beautiful lifetime experience for her.

Joanne is optimistic about her modeling career after becoming one of 12 finalists in the Miss Namibia pageant this year scooping Miss Photogenic. “I contested in two pageants in China, the Miss Tourism of the World which was held in Hanzhong and lasted for three weeks as well as Miss Tourism of the Globe held in Zhouwei where I was I was crowned the Goodwill Ambassador for Tourism a few weeks ago”, she prides. Winning the Miss Goodwill Ambassador title means there are more opportunities awaiting her. “I am eager to promote my country to the rest of the world, and am looking forward to working with our government in safeguarding projects like rhino and elephant poaching awareness campaigns,” determines Joanne. 
The adventurous model who has so far been in seven different world cities, says she continues to wave the Namibian flag up through her travelling. “The bliss of being in a different place brings so much joy and peace to my soul”, she says on being current brand ambassador for Eden View Gardens & Cultural Village, a tourism company based in Botswana adding being  keen “to learn about different cultures as well as people all over the world, their history, landscapes and nutriment.”

Enduring bullying in her childhood, induced her into becoming almost reclusive, however she overcome it. “With time I healed because I am a very strong woman that went through so much, and nothing will ever stop me from moving forward in life”. “As I grow, I realise that life is actually like a school; you learn, grow and experience things in order to become wiser, mature & disciplined”, she adds. She is particularly confident that her communications skills and perseverance, distinguishes her from her peers. “I am self-driven, when I set my mind to something I have to get it and I believe my fighting spirit is the reason I made it this far”, says Joanne. 

However, she is committed to work hard to accomplish her dreams. Next year she intends to expand her knowledge base. “I want to study International Relations and Political Development in Norway, so that I can pursue a career in diplomatic sector with an emphasis on empowering women,” she says.