Moetie blasts NPL hierarchy …Technicalities threaten league kick off

Home Sports Moetie blasts NPL hierarchy …Technicalities threaten league kick off

Staff Reporter

Windhoek-Just as the dust appeared to have finally settled in the aftermath of the country’s flagship football league’s self-imposed exile, another twist threatens to derail domestic football ‑ with catastrophic consequences.
New Era Sports is in possession of a strongly worded letter addressed to the league’s Chief Executive, Tovey Hoebeb, authored by y prominent football official, Cassius Moetie, in which the outspoken Black Africa official raises various concerns over the manner in which the executive operates.

The newly appointed Namibia Premier League (NPL) executive stands accused of taking unilateral decisions without consulting the league’s affiliates.

The four-time league champions on the trot, question the method applied in informing the clubs about tonight’s board of governors (BoG) gathering where crucial decisions are expected to be effected.

“I would like to draw your attention that due process was NOT properly followed in convening this forthcoming NPL BoG Meeting meant to take serious resolutions for the NPL going forward,” states the letter.
It further reads that decisions taken at the scheduled meeting could be challenged – thus erasing all the good work, resources and efforts from the NPL Executive are likely to be nullified by a competent Court of Law, if any aggrieved member challenges the NPL’s decisions.

In terms of Article 37 of the NPL Constitution, the Board of Governors’ Meeting shall meet quarterly and Article 37.3 dictates that the Chairperson shall compile the agenda after receiving points for discussion from the members of the Board of Governors.

“The NPL Secretariat has NOT engaged or contacted members of the BoG inviting agenda points for discussion, which is a meeting for members of the Board of Governors.

“It’s just right, procedural and best practice that agenda points are sought from BoG members to convene such a meeting.

“Appreciating that the BoG is the 2nd highest decision-making organ of the NPL, after the Congress, it should be accorded that credibility.”

The letter further recommended that tonight’s meeting be postponed since it has not been duly and procedurally constituted in terms of the above-mentioned article of the NPL statutes.Though the complainant expressed satisfaction and sincere appreciation to the NPL Secretariat for compiling the proposed league fixtures for the 2017/2018 term – guided by the NPL Constitution Article 25.1 that Congress shall be held every year.
He further cautioned league authorities not to confuse the football season or the financial year with the letter and spirit of Article 25.1.

“So, I put it to you, Comrade Hoebeb, that the NPL did NOT hold its Ordinary Congress for 2017 as yet; while Article 25.2 of the NPL Constitution dictates that ‘The Executive Committee shall fix the place, time and date. The Members and NFA shall be notified in writing at least two [2] months in advance’.

“This means, by implication, that from the date of this email: 9th October 2017, that we as NPL, only have the 31 days of December 2017, 30 days of November 2017 and the remaining 22 days of October 2017 left all equate to 83 days in total.”

Article 25.2 of the NPL Constitution requires that “the Executive shall fix the place, time, date of the Ordinary Congress and notify its members and the NFA at least 60 days in advance.

If one deducts the 60 days from the 83 days, the Secretariat and Executive have 23 days in which to ensure that the league holds its Ordinary Congress in compliance with Article 25.1 and Article 25.2.

“Furthermore, no other structure of the NPL shall, may and can take decisions, which ONLY the Ordinary Congress of the NPL shall discuss in terms of its mandatory set agenda, referring stipulated in Article 26:
In view of the above, Moetie asked how the league can kick-off in the absence of the above-said, notably the judicial bodies. He also asked what would happen if there was a serious incident involving any member of the NPL, which may bring the good name of NPL and the game in serious disrepute.

The Ordinary Congress referred to in Article 25 cannot be deferred to 2018 because that will fall in another year and there shall be an Ordinary NPL Congress in any event any day between 1 March and 31 December 2018, provided 60 days notice is given to NPL members and NFA.

Any NPL team facing relegation after finishing last on the log standings during the football season, can take the NPL to court to have all results set aside on the basis the league was NOT in compliance with Article 25.1.
Numerous attempts to get comment from Administrator Hoebeb proved futile, as his mobile went unanswered.