More abattoirs for northern regions

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More abattoirs for northern regions

OKONGO – Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah said during the Omaludi Agricultural Festival said the government has constructed abattoirs in the northern regions such as Omusati, Ohangwena and Kavango East to enable farmers to have access to meat-processing facilities.

The patron of the annual Omaludi Agricultural Festival, Nandi-Ndaitwah noted that agriculture is one of the government’s priorities as it has the potential to create employment for thousands of Namibians, and ensure food security.

“The idea is to create a market for the farmers in those areas. It is thus vital to balance livestock and crop farming so that people can inject more money into the Namibian economy,” she said.

Ohangwena governor Sebastian Ndeitunga said the event not only allows livestock farmers to exhibit their livestock, but also serves as a catalyst for the development and marketing of agricultural products both domestically and internationally.

“The primary objectives of this festival are to bolster the local economy, foster networking opportunities, and facilitate the marketing of a diverse range of products and services offered by our dedicated farmers, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises,” he said.

During the festival, the Aawambo, the majority ethnic tribe in the country, paraded their livestock, and determined which cattle won.

There were more than 90 exhibitors, including eight cattle herders, who participated in the cattle show competition.

Although all participants received N$1 000 each, the winner walked away with N$15 000, the runner-up received N$10 000, and the third runner-up received N$5 000.

This year’s Omaludi Festival’s main sponsor was the Rani Group.