
Your MP: Heather Mwiza Sibungo (Swapo Party)

Home Featured Your MP: Heather Mwiza Sibungo (Swapo Party)

Heather Mwiza Sibungo was born on January 19, 1978.

Legislative Profile

In March 2015 she was sworn in as a Member of the National Assembly. Her term of office as a Member of Parliament is from 2015 to 2020.


She holds a diploma in Business Administration and a certificate as executive office assistant from Business Management College, as well as a certificate in computer literacy, also from Business Management College and a certificate in typing from City Commercial College (1996).


Kongola Pioneer Band (1989); Member of Interim Swapo Party Youth League Committee (1993); Branch executive member of NANSO, St Kizito College (1992); Student representative council chairperson of St Kizito College (1993-1995); Regional executive member of SPYL (1994); Regional chairperson of Caprivi Regional Youth Forum (1994); Board member of the National Youth Council (2001-2010); Regional pioneer representative of SPYL (2001-2007); District secretary of Katima Urban SPYL (2007 to date); Regional protocol chairperson Swapo Party (2012 to date); Member of local authority Tender Board of Katima Mulilo Town Council (2011- 2014); Administrative officer in the Ministry of Education in Zambezi Region (1996-2013); Acting accountant in the Ministry of Education in the Zambezi Region (2013-2015).

Legislative Interests
