
Mpora clinic without water for 90 days

Mpora clinic without water for 90 days

The Primary Health Care clinic here has been without water for three months, New Era has learned. 

As a result, the patients who have been visiting the clinic in Kavango West have been resorting to nearby bushes to relieve themselves, as they are unable to use the available ablution facilities due to a lack of water.

Last month, we spoke to the region’s health director Fransisca Hamutenya, who said she was not aware of the situation at the clinic. 

She promised that she was going to follow up to ensure that the water supply was restored. 

However, almost a month later, the situation remains the same. 

“The procurement process has started. The purchase order was issued to the supplier, and we are waiting for the delivery and repair. I am waiting for feedback from the supplier, and I have asked them [health officials] to follow up,’’ the director said on Tuesday upon enquiry.

The clinic’s borehole has been out of order, and the ministry has been operating at a snail’s pace to sort out the challenge, residents lamented.  

“The absence of water is posing a health hazard to everyone affected, the nurses and patients,’’ said a community member who alerted New Era, but preferred to remain anonymous. 

The clinic caters for many patients from the surrounding villages along the Rundu-Grootfontein main road.

It is situated at Mpora village, some 75 km towards Grootfontein from Rundu. 
