Mr. Gay Namibia entries open

Home Lifestyle Mr. Gay Namibia entries open

Clemans Miyanicwe

If you are a gay man 20 years and above and wants to be a spokesperson for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) community, then it’s your change to enter Mr. Gay Namibia.

“This person must be dedicated, celebrate beauty and diversity of manhood in Namibia. It (Mr. Gay Namibia), is a call to unite the country’s gay men in presenting a fun, festive and friendly image of the gay community,” says Mr. Gay Namibia organiser, Wendelinus Hamutenya who is also the first Mr. Gay Namibia (2011) title holder. Hamutenya was also one of the first black participants from an African country together with Mr. Gay Ethiopia in 2011 at Mr. Gay World back then. The aim of the pageant is to build interaction between the mainstream culture and the contemporary gay scene thereby promoting equality, tolerance, understanding and an authentic enjoyment of the cultural diversity that creates a truly vibrant Namibian. Hamutenya says the winner must be a fine, fit and youthful specimen of manhood who is a confident and articulate ambassador of Namibia’s gay populace. There is no height requirement for entry into the pageant. The Mr. Gay Namibia pageant has been in hiatus since crowning of its second titleholder, Ricardo Amutjira (2012), and Hamutenya adds the winner will represent the country at the Mr.

Gay World pageant next year. Thus he will be prepared earlier as he will face bit of challenges and have to articulate himself. “It requires one to be confident to win, speak like a humanitarian but also as a politician. You have to understand what is being an activist as this event is not only about beauty but its beauty with activism,” Hamutenya advises. The winner must do something for the LGBTI community even after the title.
Mr. Gay Namibia Hamutenya set up Rights for all Movement (RAM) the same year he won the title and he advises those who take part to have a passion for the LGBTI community.

Those who want to take part must have two pictures; one must be a passport photo and other of a full-length picture which must be shirtless. Registration forms are available at Outright Namibia (ORN), Ram offices in the Society for Family Health (SFH) building. Registration is N$50 and closes on June 22. The finalists will be chosen within a week from closing date. Mr. Gay Namibia will take place on July 31. Contact Hamutenya on 0812015200 for further information.