Mr Simple offers apprenticeships at hair studio

Home National Mr Simple offers apprenticeships at hair studio
Mr Simple offers  apprenticeships at hair studio

Strauss Lunyangwe

Dancehall artiste Mr Simple, real name Clayton Chigarito, recently took to social media to announce an apprenticeship programme in his Red Vibes Salon.

The ‘Medicine’ hitmaker told VIBEZ! that the programme is a partnership consisting of his salon, the Okakarara Vocational Training Centre, and the Namibia Training Authority (NTA).

“There are many fields on offer, but in this case, we are offering cosmetology with a speciality in hairdressing. We have a qualified mentor who will train two apprentices who have Grade 10 with grade E or better in English and mathematics,” he elucidated.

Mr Simple said the idea came from employers who complained about students coming from institutions with theoretical knowledge and less practical experience.

“So, the NTA took it upon themselves to craft the programme and made sure students get trained on the job, and go for theory and assessment at the training provider.”

Apprentices are being trained for free and on the job with a good allowance provided by the NTA.

The Zimbabwean native studied at the Mutare Polytechnic in his home country, and has been practising since the year 2000. He started his cosmetology career in Namibia in 2004.

The cosmetology programme is a one-year course, and includes beauty and nails. The second year will be specialisation in hairdressing, while the final year will be specialisation in braiding, barbering, natural hair, tonging or wig-making.

For this year, entries have closed, and apprentices started with their practicals recently. The new intake will be announced next year.

He urged his male counterparts to take advantage of the cosmetology world, saying it is rewarding more than what people know.



While making others look good in his hair studio, Mr Simple was on the verge of making a return to the music scene before the death of legendary Namibian music producer Araffath Muhuure in March this year.

“Just before his passing, he had brought me back to the studio; he had plans with me. He knew I had slowed down, and one cannot resign from the calling. In his last two weeks on earth, we had started two songs. To honour him, I am going to go through to release singles and an album.

“Now, I will work with my other brothers K-Bozz and Glo plus any new blood for the new feel. But don’t mix the two – Claytone is for the hair and Mr Simple is the music guy.”

Quizzed as to which industry he would rather stick to, he simply said: “Well, all I do is art, but from my industries if I can rank them according to how they have been making it for me, it is the beauty world first, followed by the logistics industry, and lastly entertainment”.

“This is only like that because the Namibian music industry is not backed so well by corporates, like other countries. But I have a plan for it; we shall turn it around just now.”

As for Mr Simple, I am back, he said. “Of course, there is maturity, but I won’t go very far from our sound. I am packaging something unique so that the simplified crew can be bigger and better. Watch this space for more.”
