
MTC honours top 13 corporate sport sponsors

Home Sports MTC honours top 13 corporate sport sponsors

WINDHOEK – Namibia’s telecommunications giant MTC, which is the country’s leading sports sponsor, last weekend paid homage and formally recognised 13 other local corporates that have contributed and continue to immensely contribute to the broader agenda of sports development.

MTC honoured a total of 13 corporates for being outstanding partners in the development of local sports at this year’s Namibia Annual Sports Awards, which took place at Ondangwa on Saturday.

“We realise that we went about this the wrong way all along, we would always ask what and when other companies will ever make their contribution, what we should have done was to appreciate those who voluntarily make their contribution and remind them that they are valued instead of talking about corporates who will never understand the power of sports,” said MTC’s Tim Ekandjo on the evening.

 Ekandjo stretched his podium time highlighting the importance of financially backing sports and adding that it was high time to give back to sponsors that have been feeding the local sports fraternity for many years. 
“Based on our own experience, we have identified the 13 companies and wish to honour them with the title “Truly Namibian Sporting Corporate Champions”, those companies that are never shy to contribute consistently, who give and expect nothing in return. We know there are more than 13, and we recognize their efforts too but these 13 have been outstanding and deserving of recognition.”

The honored sponsors where Namibia Breweries Limited, Nampower, The Namibian newspaper, Standard Bank, NBC, FNB Namibia, Air Namibia, Debmarine Namibia, Nedbank, Metropolitan, Namdia, Old Mutual and Bank Windhoek. 

“We are mindful that MTC has no authority to bestow such an honourable title on you because we are also just a sponsor, but we will do so because we share your same passion for the love of sports, and therefore in no particular order,” amplified Ekandjo.

Ekandjo added, “Anytime you don’t give what is giving to you, bless what is blessing you, you will naturally kill the source. Anything that feeds you, you must feed it, bless what is blessing you, help what is helping you, pour into what is pouring into you. Everything operates by giving back unto what has given to you. It says something about your character when you give what is giving to you.  We can’t eat at one place, and soar it at another place. 

How can they be your sponsors, but you don’t create an environment stimulating and encouraging enough for them to give more?  If we are going to demand 90 percent commitment from sponsors, then we must give back on the same level we took otherwise we are slowly chasing them away without knowing. 
Thank you and may God bless you to enrich and extend your helping hand to Namibians sports, and continue to shine a light on our athletes dreams and aspirations, so that they make the connection.”